Thursday, September 22, 2011

Tweets of Wisdom

So, about 3 months ago, I took the bull by the horns. I jumped off the bridge. I peed into the wind...oh, no wait, not that. I joined Twitter. This was a big accomplishment for me. I didn't understand it, was terrified of the "new" technology. Don't judge, I remember being excited about my pager--PAGER, people. I remember when floppy disks were...well, DISKS, and FLOPPY. I used a typewriter to type an essay for class, people.

So sitting down to figure out Twitter? Took me several months before I jumped into the twitter boat, created an account and started snarking away. And now? I have sent 2,000+ Tweets and gained 160+ followers. Which reminds me: I LOVE my Tweeps. My Tweeps are funny, snarky, fun-loving and a little crazy. However, occasionally there are some wisdomous Tweets that make their rounds.

Sure  you can add these to your "favorites", but I wanted to provide a more public shrine for these. So, readers, followers, visitors--behold the Tweets of Wisdom. 

Disclaimer: not all Tweets (or most) are suitable for readers under the age of 18 or over the age of 19. Views and opinions of the following Tweeps are solely those of the person Tweeting--or actually, probably not even them. Everything contained herein should be considered minimally truthful, but excessively funny.

1. Real friends help bury bodies and destroy evidence. ~JASaare

2. Do not leave @soulswallo unattended. Bad things will happen! ~Kyla_Holt

3. You could still be an aardvark, we'd make it work. We might need to have a threesome. ~BeasBookNook

4. YOU ARE LETTING US ALL DOWN! If you don't bring puffer fish sex to the masses, WHO WILL!?! ~soulswallo

5. Beer for you and valium for the kids. ~BeasBookNook

6. I never lie. I just reengineer reality into a state more advantageous to my personal delusions. It works. ~KeithMelton99

7. All right lady-Grab your pen. I want written into this damn story. Imma take care of this SOB myself. ~Kyla_Holt

8. They should remake the Karate Kid and put some vampires in it. Cross Karate Kid with the Lost Boys. ~KeithMelton99

9. Take me along, I'll ninja-kick his ass. ~Kyla_Holt

10. Blowing me off on twitter is not as hurtful as you think it is. ~smexys_sidekick

11. "Just say NO" I'll fedEx you my DARE shirt as a reminder. ~Kyla_Holt

12. If you're up for crazy convos, puffer fish and gelatin you should be following @jodiredford and @KeithMelton99 *Follow at your own risk. >_<   ~Kyla_Holt

13. Sometimes i feel like asking author questions, and then I realize that there's a VERY HIGH chance I can find the answer on their website. ~Magnet4Books
14. Morons going out in the [BLEEPING] storm: DO NOT GO OUT IN THE [BLEEPING] storm. It endangers you and the people who have to get you. ~maureenjohnson

15. A good day = when you can write a 19th century frontier hooker quoting Kierkegaard. ~donnajherren

16. I earned it. Bitching pays off ya know. ~BeasBookNook

17. Well, there's traffic stopping and then there's OMG! PUT ON YOUR PANTS traffic stopping. The 2nd one is not as good as the 1st. ~soulswallo

18. Misheard commercial: "We help by lowering your PENIS." Should've heard PAYMENTS. Totally different commercial! Speak clearer people. ~Kyla_Holt

19. The number one rule of hunting pirates: don't do it alone. It's more fun in pairs. ~ skyladawn

20. Grammar is like sex, there are only so many places things can go. ~Kyla_Holt

21. Try not to let the fame go to your heads. Except maybe Kyla, since technically she's only a head anyway~

Found on Wicked Lil Pixie

22. If you are having sex, you will die. Just enjoy it, ride it out. There’s no turning back. #horrormovieadvice ~ WickedLPixie

23. @moirarogersbree sit near a huge uncovered window after dark. Even better turn your back on it. #horrormovieadvice ~ FictionVxn

24. @moirarogersbree better put your stilettos on in case you need to run for it. toward the danger. Don’t forget that. It’s important. ~ FictionVxn that you've enjoyed my Tweets of Wisdom--do you have any you want to share with us? I'll be tracking Tweets for similar posts, feel free to send them my way when you see them!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Woah--Jodi Redford in my mailbox?

Have you prepared yourself? Are you ready to be jealous? No? Take a moment then.
There, you are looking much greener.

Why, you ask, are you being jealous. Well, I waltzed to my mailbox yesterday expecting bills upon bills to be weighing it down.

But I got ZERO bills. Seriously. It was like a miracle. 

Then, to top it off, I got these fabulous prizes:

What you see here are cover flats and other swag for Jodi Reford's That Old Black Magic series. Haven't read them? Like paranormal? Romance? Hot shifter boys? Then I seriously recommend this series--although be prepared to steam up the windows because Jodi's books bring the smexy scenes! You can check out my reviews of That Voodoo You Do, book 1 and The Seven Year Witch, book 2 for a preview into the salaciously twisted world. Maximum Witch, book 3, releases September 27th. I am currently reading this--nope, not sharing yet, stay tuned. I will post a review as soon as I finish.

 That's not all, though...take a look at some close-ups. How frakin' cute are these!

Then, fellow book bloggers allow me to dorkify myself just a bit more. You see, I have never been to a book signing before--for some strange reason, my favorite authors are steering clear of the Buckeye state. So I have never met my favorite authors. I have never handed them my copy of their book or poster or hiked up my shirt sleeve for that wondrous memento that you can hold on to for years to come. Yes, you were jealous of me you pity me. Well, I do plan to change my signinglessness existance next year at Authors After Dark (hope to see you there!). However, in the meantime, the author of some of my favorite books--and who happens to live so close I could direct zombies to her house (not that I ever would)--provided me with the following priceless gift in my mailbox:


Now, that my friends, is beyond happiness. So, in honor of Jodi and her awesomeness, I am hosting a giveaway--I'm wonderful, I know. Thank you.

Now, what do I plan to give you? I am giving away an eBook copy of That Voodoo You Do and The Seven Year Witch. These will be purchased through Amazon Kindle and, therefore, the giveaway is international. You do not need a Kindle, as you can download apps to your computer and/or smart phone and read the books on that.

What do you need to do? 
1. Well, if you're not sure yet if you're interested, I would first head over to my reviews and take a look (comments are not necessary to enter, but are appreciated).
2. Follow my twitter stream (don't need to be a follower, just watch my tweets for my announcement, which will come later today---after I've kicked ass in Krav class).
3. Once you see my Tweet about the giveaway--follow the instructions.

Simple. Fun. Great books! Tuesdays just don't get much better than this!

Happy Tuesday y'all

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Proposing to fellow book bloggers

Gather 'round book bloggers. 

Call your friends. 

Alright book bloggers. I have a proposal for you. No, no, not asking any of you to marry me. Not yet anyway. What I’m trying to say is that during the two Book Blogging 101 (#BB101) chats I’ve participated in, sponsored by Rachel from Parajunkee’s View, there has been chatter amongst many of us regarding the desire to be recipients of meaningful comments.

Many of us work extremely long and hard, writing, researching and rewriting features and reviews; we pour parts of our soul into these and then…nothing. The only way we know anyone has even visited is by checking into our stats. What does this mean? We have a ton of talented, dedicated, sad bloggers. I don’t like sad bloggers—well, that is to say I still like them, I just don’t want them to be sad.

So, sad bloggers of the world, feast your eyes on this:

Yes, that works. But it doesn’t help fix the problem. We need to address the reason our bloggers are sad. What is the point of writing our posts (other than getting free books!) if we aren’t actually making a difference? I’m not saying I don’t like the sound of my own voice, that I don’t enjoy typing from my soap-box. I do, actually. I just enjoy it more when I’m not staring out at--nothing. I want to interact with people, to know how they feel about what I’ve said.

Which leads me to my proposal: Limelight Reviews

Here’s my thought: Have a meme where interested bloggers can pick a particular review from their own site that they want to spotlight. Post a link to the review with the book title, author and genre. 

Example: The Seven Year Witch, Jodi Redford--Paranormal Romance 

Each blogger who posts a link picks 5 other reviews to hop over to and post on. Not a “Hey, great review” be thoughtful, engaging about it. “That’s an interesting point, I’ve never really thought of looking at it that way. Have you ever read [insert similar book]?"

Now, I am thrilled to host this. I’m a new blogger with a small follow (who I adore and appreciate--*waves*), but I want to gauge interest first. So, please, leave me a message here or on Twitter and let me know your thoughts.

1. Is this something you might participate in?
2. Would you like to see it as a weekly or bi-monthly meme?
3. Think it’s an okay idea, but won’t really work?
4. Think I should shut up and just get your feedback?
5. Sending the zombies after me to get me to shut up? It’s cool; I’m prepped. Bring it.

Alright. Time to give me your opinion. Be gentle, but honest. If none of you will participate (or won’t if I’m host), please tell me.

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