Thursday, September 1, 2011

Feature & Follow

Q. If you could change the ending of any book (or series), which book would you choose? Why and to what?

Oh, dear me…What a question. I don’t think I can answer it. I’ve never been stuck on a #FF question. I’ve always come up with SOMETHING. But changing the ending? I’m attached to all my books. The only one I could see going a different way is the Shifter series by Rachel Vincent. Not that I WANT to change it, but I wouldn’t be upset if it ended differently. I don’t want to give anything away, so I’ll just say, I wouldn’t mind if Faythe ended up with the other guy.

Yeah, there…does that suffice?

TWO things please: 1. DO NOT POST SPOILERS 2. Please leave your #FF Address so I can follow you back!

What about all you readers? Oh…and stop by my giveaway – there’s still time!


  1. Hopping through. I haven't read the Shifter series yet. I should b/c I've heard good things.
    My Hop

  2. Hi there, I'm a new follower! I'm still in the middle of the Shifter series and I definitely have some mixed feelings about it. Especially with regard to the romantic relationships...

  3. I haven't read that one, but Rachel Vincent's books are on my radar.

    Hopping thru and new follower from FF.

  4. New follower! I still have to read this series!

    My Follow Friday

  5. Thanks for the follow I'm following back. I've not read this series yet but it's on the TBR list.
    Happy Hopping

  6. This is so ironic. I hadn't checked my post to see if I had any comments, then I go back to the main post and click on your link... all the while you already followed me first! Lol. Thanks for stopping by and following! I'm following you too. ^_^

  7. I haven't read Rachel Vincent's series, but that's intriguing! Thanks so much for not posting spoilers! I'm so scared I'm going to stumble on some this hop! lol

    April @ My Shelf Confessions

  8. I don't know this series! I'll have to pick it up!! Stopping by from the list at Parajunkee's!

  9. I want to read the Shifter series so bad! Thank you for not posting spoilers!

    New follower! :D


  10. I haven't read anything by Rachel VIncent yet although I do have a few of her books.

    Have a good weekend.

  11. The shifter series is on my tbr pile and I think you just moved it up a few notches.

    I'm a new follower (Happy FF!)

    Tania @ Wandering Hues

  12. Haven't read her books yet but I have heard of them. :)

    New follower. :) My Friday and YA Giveaway

  13. Hi & Happy Friday!

    I agree ;)

    My FF,

    Have a nice weekend :)

  14. I wouldn't want to change ANY ending. :-)
    NEW follower here. My FF:
    Happy Friday!

  15. I haven't read that series, but I get what you are saying. I think it would make me sad if an author did actually rewrite a book I enjoyed - even if it did make the ending better.

  16. Hey folks - I appreciate EVERY comment and EVERY follow. But please DO NOT post SPOILERS on my site. Be fair to those who haven't and WANT to read it!

    Thanks. I'm sure it's not done on purpose, just a reminder since we're dealing with the ENDS of books!


  17. I haven't read the Shifter series yet, but it's on my list! :)

  18. Heey
    I had a really hard time with this question as well! I love books the way they are, since they are and end that way for a reason!
    Hop on by if you have the time:
    Juli @ Universe in Words

  19. I haven't read these yet- but I want to!

  20. Being the maverick that I am, I penciled in my own addition to this week’s Follow Friday question and then answered it.

    Change the ending of a book? No way, no how.

    From the perspective of a reader – it never even dawned on me. As a writer I find the notion sacrilegious.

    Wait! I can explain! Follow me back to my blog for all the verbosity –

    Happy Labor Day Weekend!

    Howard Sherman

  21. This question stumped me as well, but in the end I did remember a book I wished I could rewrite the ending for.

  22. I haven't read the Shifter series as yet but a couple of people have mentioned it this week and it's got me intrigued.

    I'm a new follower. My FF post: The Write Obsession

  23. Thanks for stopping by my blog as well! I'm a new follower of yours, and a fellow educator! I've never read any of that author's books, but they do always intrigue me when I see them.

  24. ONe other thing, how doyou set up the reply to comment on blogger? I'd love to be able to reply to the individual comments like that.

  25. Hi Kyla! Thanks for stopping by! Following back now. I haven't read the Shifter series, but it sounds like I'm missing out!

  26. I've only had one FF question stump me before, but this was a hard one! I haven't read the Shifter series yet!

    Thanks for following and I'm following you back!

  27. LOL loved your response :) --wishing she ended up with the "other guy". this one stumped me too. love the blog new follower :D

    Create a website

  28. Thank you for visiting/following my blog! I'm here to follow back. :)

  29. i haven't read Vincen'ts shifter series yet but I have read her other novels! Will have to add them to my TBR list!! Thanks for stopping by!!



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