Friday, July 15, 2011

Feature & Follow

This is my first Feature & Follow! I am so excited to see what other bloggers are doing to their sites and what you all are blogging about!

This week's question: What do I do when I'm not reading?

Answer: So much stuff! I write on an Urban Fantasy novel, toying with different scenes and tension. I take Krav Maga classes (Israeli self-defense) - I take my test in August in an attempt to move up to level 2 (5 levels, then a black belt). I also teach. Ah, the money maker.

Thanks for stopping by!! I am on an Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Romance kick right now (that has lasted about a year!). I also read Young Adult fiction and enjoy autobiographies from WWII era.


  1. Hi, thanks for stopping by. I am now following you and it looks like I'm the first. Hopefully there will be many more in the future!
    Wishing you a great weekend.

  2. Hopping through. Welcome to FF! New follower. Krav Maga sounds really interesting. How is it different from Asian martial arts?
    My Hop

  3. Thank you for the follow! I'm following back now. :) Also, welcome to the book blogging world. I hope you have as much fun as I have. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  4. Thanks for stopping by! New follower here. I have friends that do Krav Maga and love it. Have a great weekend!

    Book Brats!

  5. @Alison Can Read: Krav is a street martial arts. There is no competition and it isn't always pretty. Its focus is providing the techniques that will help with street attacks. If you're interested check one of these videos out

  6. i love the feather header!!

    Hey there! new blog follower from follow friday, little late but oh well! love your page and i'm lookin forward to seeing more of your posts. hope you will stop by my blog and follow me! =]

  7. Hi! I am a new blogger who just found out about Follow Friday. I am excited to follow your blog and look forward to seeing lots of your stuff!


  8. New Follower,,thanks for visiting my blog,,and Jeaniene Frost is a good choice,, I would love to know who her muse is for Love that Vampire...
    and you asked for recommendation for KMM I would start with her "Fever Series" Darkfever,,you'll love it,,Jerricho Barrons thats all you need to know..



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