Thursday, July 28, 2011

Yippee! Feature and Follow!

This week's question: Let's step away from books for a second and get personal. What T-shirt slogan describes you best?

andi's answer:

Oh, this is too easy!

I am definitely a product of the 80's. I own arm warmers, bangle bracelets ( kids own those), and I tend to mis-match my socks. Think about all the great things we had, saw, and did in the 80's (if you weren't born yet, don't tell me...I'll just feel old!)


  1. I LOVE your slogan. Everyone has been so creative with their t-shirts. I'm your newest follower and would love you to visit me when you get a chance....

  2. LOVE it. I want one that says 90's Kid or something, ha ha! New follower :)

    Here's my post:
    Also, here's my most recent giveaway:

  3. Thanks for stopping by. Another 80's baby here, though I went through most of school in the 90's. Have a great weekend!

  4. This is a good one! love it..

    My FF,

    Have a nice weekend.

  5. Love it!! haha....

    Here's mine

  6. Ha! That was what one of homecoming shirts looked like one year!

    Here's my Friday Hops

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  7. @Marla

    So did I...but the 80's still seemed to have influenced me more! The grunge look just didn't stick (though the music did!)

  8. O*H*I*O!!!! I'm from Ohio too:) Love the 80's t-shirt, I guess it would apply to me since I was born in 82:) New follower here, I hope you have a great weekend!

  9. Cool choice! Following now too! Thanks for stopping by :D

  10. Ha! Don't feel old, I'm a made in the 70's baby! :) Thanks for stopping by my blog today and leaving a comment. I'm a new follower here.


  11. Lol love the slogan:D im a nsew follower.
    ~ tiffany @

  12. Hi! Returning your visit/follow- cute t-shirt!! I look forward to reading your posts.

  13. Awesome shirt! Even though I wasn't born in the 80s, I love it!!! Especially 80s movies :) Great picks! Here's my FF if you want to check it out!

    -Jessica (Peace Love Books)

  14. OMG! Remember the jelly bracelets and shoes?! And our leggins had lace at the bottom because we were AWESOME! Oh, and slap bracelets! The 80s were great.

  15. LOL, love the shirt, I am a fellow child of the 80's, rock on! Thanks for stopping by my FF post and the follow, I'm following back :) BTW, I see you are reading everdark, it's on my TBR list, looking forward to seeing how you like it!
    Book Savvy Babe

  16. I was also made in the 80s and currently own a pair of leg warmers. They are fuzzy and awesome and my bestie likes to give me crap about them. She does not deter me. =)

  17. Hey Andi, just stopping by on the follow. I love all the T-shirt logos! I think you're blog rocks! Great minds think alike, even wicked ones. LOL I'm a new follower. Thx for visiting.
    Have a terrific weekend reading !!!
    See ya!
    Readaholics Anonymous

  18. Bring on the Punky baby :P

    I love your avatar.

    Thanks for hopping by my blog today!

  19. My favorite thing about the 80s is the music ... looove 80s music!

  20. Hi everyone! Thanks for droppin' in on my blog and commenting! I adore comments (makes me feel all warm and fuzzy). Ack. Not in a creepy way! Anyway, if I don't reply here, I'll hit you up on your blog! Happy #FF! Keep on hoppin'!


  21. Love the shirt!! I want one!

    Thanks for following and visiting my blog! I am following you back now!

  22. Well, I won't make you feel old -- I was in College and had my first child in the 80s! Thanks for visiting my blog.

  23. Hopping through! I was born in 1981, but was more a child of the 90s. I can't believe that kids born in 1992 or 1993 are in college now!
    My Hop

  24. I was born in the late 80s, so I don't remember them at all :-)

    Have a great weekend and happy reading!

    New follower!

  25. Love the shirt, I miss the 80s, mainly all the great music (don't miss the lousy music, ha ha). Thanks for stopping by my blog, I'm returning the follow!

  26. Great Slogan! New follower, thanks for stopping by.

  27. Mid-80s baby here!! :o)

    Returning the follow, and thanks for stopping by my blog!
    Mickey @ imabookshark

  28. Haha I'm a 90's kid, but I never go a day without mismatching my socks, *woop*

    my reply to your comment:
    Hey! Wow thank you *HIGH FIVE* *Hugs you like a freak* there would be if I had any money right now, I'll hold a giveaway when I reach 100 followers and if you remind me I'll enter you 5 times, because I love people who make me smile!

    Great blog!

  29. & Dang it I was your 52nd Follower haha, have a good weekend! <3

  30. Thanks for visiting my blog and following! I'm following you now too :)

    I love your shirt pick :) I unfortunately wasn't born yet though, I'm a 90's kid lol.

    Hope you have a great weekend! :)


  31. hehe I've always loved those shirts, great choice! I'm an 80's baby as well so I would love to have one of those too!

    Thanks for stopping by my IMM and following my blog! I'm following your blog now as well! :)

    ♥ Sarah

  32. I was born late 80's so I'm more of a 90's girl but I still love a lot of things about the 80's

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  33. Oh my gosh- if being born in the 80s is old, then we're both screwed! haha! I love this shirt and am an 80s baby myself! Can I get a woo hoo for 87?!

    Great choice!

  34. Oh I love that shirt! I was literally "made" in the 80s too!

    Thanks for following - I'm following back!

    Have a great rest of the weekend!

    The Musings of ALMYBNENR

  35. Thanks for the follow and comment! I love your slogan: brilliant!! :)
    Have a great weekend!
    Meg @ The Book Addicted Girl

  36. Ahh, I love this shirt! I was born in '84 and think I MUST buy it! Thanks for stopping by my blog and following me! Following you back!

  37. That's a really creative slogan. I believe that even if you weren't born in the 80's, you can dress like it. I need some arm armers myself in the winter!

    Thanks for commenting on my Follow Friday post!

    Kris @Imaginary Reads

  38. I need this shirt!

    Thanks for stopping by my #FF



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