Monday, July 25, 2011

what are you reading?

 It's Monday! What are you reading? is a weekly meme that is hosted by Sheila from Book Journey. To be a part of it, just post what you finished in the past week and what you plan to read this week. After writing your post, go to Sheila's blog and leave you post's link on the link entry form at the bottom of the What are you reading?

To be honest, my pile of TBR is shooting daggers at me from their resting place. I love series books. I love knowing that the end of the book doesn’t mean the end of the adventures for those characters. Unfortunately, I’m not a big fan of the gap between books. Hey, I’m not judging authors or publishers here…they pump books out at an incredible rate. But I find that in order to get interested in the new book, I often have to go back and reread the series. Not for the information, or so I know what is going on, but just to get my blood pumping about the character(s) and the struggles. I want to be involved not just read it.

Okay, insert weirdo comments here. It’s cool. I can handle it.

Now on to what I’m supposed to be talking about. This past week, I read Dead, Undead or Somewhere in Between by J.A. Saare in preparation for the sequel The Reinfeld Syndrome.

Possibilities for this week include: Grave Dance (Kalayna Price), Hellforged (Nancy Holzner), Bloodlust (Michelle Rowen) and, if I feel the need to mix it up, I may add in Raised by Wolves (Jennifer Lynn Barnes).

You know, what gets me is that I waited, begged and pleased with Father Time to hurry up so my long awaited new releases would hit the shelves…now that they have, I’m dragging my feet. Anyone else plagued by this horrific phenomenon? It’s kinda embarrassing. I feel impotent. Which isn’t a good thing. Even for a girl.


  1. I have a friend that will not start a series, until all books are available. You have a good selection here! Enjoy our reads!

  2. I have a friend who is the same way. She loved the first four Harry Potter books when we were in high school and was very excited to read number 5. But after number 5, she said she was going to wait for both 6 and 7 to be out. She just couldn't stand the wait. She did that with the last 2 movies as well. So I dont think that is weird at all!

    Here is a link to my post:

  3. @Sheila (Bookjourney), while I'm not normal, I'm at least not alone! Thanks for stopping by!




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