Saturday, September 17, 2011

Proposing to fellow book bloggers

Gather 'round book bloggers. 

Call your friends. 

Alright book bloggers. I have a proposal for you. No, no, not asking any of you to marry me. Not yet anyway. What I’m trying to say is that during the two Book Blogging 101 (#BB101) chats I’ve participated in, sponsored by Rachel from Parajunkee’s View, there has been chatter amongst many of us regarding the desire to be recipients of meaningful comments.

Many of us work extremely long and hard, writing, researching and rewriting features and reviews; we pour parts of our soul into these and then…nothing. The only way we know anyone has even visited is by checking into our stats. What does this mean? We have a ton of talented, dedicated, sad bloggers. I don’t like sad bloggers—well, that is to say I still like them, I just don’t want them to be sad.

So, sad bloggers of the world, feast your eyes on this:

Yes, that works. But it doesn’t help fix the problem. We need to address the reason our bloggers are sad. What is the point of writing our posts (other than getting free books!) if we aren’t actually making a difference? I’m not saying I don’t like the sound of my own voice, that I don’t enjoy typing from my soap-box. I do, actually. I just enjoy it more when I’m not staring out at--nothing. I want to interact with people, to know how they feel about what I’ve said.

Which leads me to my proposal: Limelight Reviews

Here’s my thought: Have a meme where interested bloggers can pick a particular review from their own site that they want to spotlight. Post a link to the review with the book title, author and genre. 

Example: The Seven Year Witch, Jodi Redford--Paranormal Romance 

Each blogger who posts a link picks 5 other reviews to hop over to and post on. Not a “Hey, great review” be thoughtful, engaging about it. “That’s an interesting point, I’ve never really thought of looking at it that way. Have you ever read [insert similar book]?"

Now, I am thrilled to host this. I’m a new blogger with a small follow (who I adore and appreciate--*waves*), but I want to gauge interest first. So, please, leave me a message here or on Twitter and let me know your thoughts.

1. Is this something you might participate in?
2. Would you like to see it as a weekly or bi-monthly meme?
3. Think it’s an okay idea, but won’t really work?
4. Think I should shut up and just get your feedback?
5. Sending the zombies after me to get me to shut up? It’s cool; I’m prepped. Bring it.

Alright. Time to give me your opinion. Be gentle, but honest. If none of you will participate (or won’t if I’m host), please tell me.


  1. Hi Kyla!
    I think this is a really great idea. I'm still a newbie in this community, but I think anything to strengthen it is wonderful:) Give me a heads up if this turns into a go.

  2. Hey nice idea! I'd love to participate! I think it would work as a weekly meme.

  3. Oops, forgot to add one more thing. With the Follow Friday meme (which is wonderful), a lot of people participate but I *know* some people just take advantage of it and don't follow anyone back, even when people follow them -- which completely destroys the spirit of the meme. I was wondering if you had an idea or something to make sure that at least the majority of participants are, well, actually participating and leaving thoughtful comments? That's my primary concern -- it's such a great idea with lots of potential, I'd hate for it to turn into a meme where people just plug their sites without giving anything back.

  4. @Jinny ( A valid concern. I noticed the same with the #FF myself. I don't have an answer yet (but open to suggestions). My thought is that since there will be NO FOLLOW required (of my blog or others), that it might cut down on it. Plus, you only pick 5 blogs, so popping by all of them won't increase your traffic. With #FF, the more blogs you visit=the more traffic you get. With this meme, you just pick 5, you have no obligation to visit blogs that visit you (though that's always an option if you like their comment).

    Did that answer the question? lol If not, let me know!


  5. A review hop. It sounds interesting. I know a few reviewers, like Teens Read & Write will do a review of a popular book and then add a linky underneath that review and say "Link you reviews of the same book or movie"

  6. Hmm, that actually sounds like a great idea! I would love to participate. I have a small blog myself, and I would love to have some more feedback.

    However, I don't think I would participate every week. Bi-monthly sounds like a great compromise to me.

    Nyx Book Reviews

  7. Hi Kyla! I think this is an awesome idea! I often feel like my reviews fall on deft ears or should I say mean blank stairs(and the chirping of many many crickets..hehe). It would be nice to get some feed back, good or bad because it will let me know what my audience wants to read. So, I would defiantly be interested in participating. Oh and NICE picture by the way ;)

  8. KYla, Loving it, but I think we should have an International association with standards and such first. OR something like

  9. Hi there. I am a brand new book blogger and I think this is a great idea. I would love to see this as a weekly meme. I've seen other memes but nothing like this focusing on reviews. Count me in!

  10. Hey, Kyla. *waves* I think this is a good idea, too. I've had a couple of reviews I've posted that got no comments, and it made me sad. One of which because I really loved the book, and wanted to pimp it to followers.

    My only comment is that maybe the 1:5 ratio is a little high. Maybe make it 1:3, because let's be honest... we're all wicked busy, or we'd comment more already!

    Great idea, and I enjoyed chatting with you during BB101!

    Louise @ Between the Covers

  11. I think this is a good idea. I like the idea of only 5 blogs to visit and no following.

  12. Kyla,

    Great idea! I am also a new blogger. I have been reading for years and I kept thinking that I could do something with reading, but I didn't know what. I have a friend who is published and we got to talking about promoting and it just finally clicked that I should be blogging. Then I wanted to smack myself for not thinking of it sooner. You know?

    It was not until I started reviewing and requesting books that I realized just how important reviewing is to the authors. I feel like I am doing my part now to help them in return for all of the joy I receive from their efforts in writing. I have received positive feedback from the authors I have reviewed, but there are not that many yet.

    I post everywhere I have discovered (websites I have found on my own so far), but I know I am not reaching many. In this aspect, I am failing in my goal to give back to the authors. That is what makes me sad. I currently post on Amazon, LibraryThing, Goodreads, FB, Twitter, and whatever publisher sites are specific to the author.

    I would love to participate in this venture! I can help out if need be also. Just let me know. I believe that 5 is a reasonable number. I mean we want to get our names out there, so less seems like it is defeating the purpose. If someone had time, they are welcome to keep hopping. But lets face it, a lot of us are sidelining as reviewers. Time is not always something we have a lot of. I am also realistic in knowing that I MUST get my name out there. I have a lot of friends between FB and Twitter, but a lot of them are religious and do not read the same genres as I do. No bashing to religion, I am too, but I have quite an open mind. So I say, heck yes! I am on board!

    BTW, I grabbed your button for my site, but the pic is not showing up. The other ones I grabbed do, so I know I did it right. Thoughts?

    Kendra (AKA @EdynzTrybe)

  13. I think it sounds like a great idea. I'm in!

  14. Thanks everyone for the comments! Keep 'em coming and keep spreading the word. I'll be sure to let you all know when I've figured out all the details!


  15. I adore this idea! I get so frustrated with the cookie cutter comments, I must admit - I don't usually follow them to their blog, let alone follow their blog. (If you can't take the actual effort, why should I?)

    I always remind myself that I write reviews because I like to do it; because I hope I can help someone find a new book they will love. BUT - Comments are nice ;)

    (By the way - I'm a new follower, I love your blog.)

  16. That's a great idea - I've found some wonderful people via FF *waves to Rebecca* but I do get the feeling that some aren't actually following the spirit of the FF meme.

    The way I do it is I sign up and follow/comment on blogs that are similar to mine, checking out their about pages, older posts etc. I don't read YA and, well, I'm not going to follow a 12 year old or encourage them to follow me given the content of my blog. I do follow some YA blogs because other content they put up interests me but a strict YA blog, no thanks.

    When I find blogs I like I follow them, commenting on their blogs if I have something meaningful to say and eventually they get added to the blogroll if their blog is something that I continually go back to.

    So, yeah - I'm in. I think this idea is a great way of being introduced to other bloggers and see what they're saying about the subject we're all passionate about (namely books and reviews).

    What I like about the idea:
    - you'll be able to tell at a glance if the book is something you are interested in checking out (no clicking through countless blogs to find one you want to comment on)
    - Five is a reasonable number. Five gives me time to look around the site think about the review and engage in discussion.
    - It doesn't involve me putting content up on my blog that isn't suitable for what I'm trying to accomplish in the feel of my blog.
    - No cookie cutter comments!!!!

    Tania @ Wandering Hues

  17. A very insightful, thoughtful, wonderful idea! I am in all the way. Please keep us posted.

    In Support,
    Bona Fide Reflections
    bonafidereflections (at) gmail (dot) com

  18. I am so all over this. I would love to see it done weekly, but would participate any which way it is done.

  19. I love this idea. It would be nice if my reviews are actually looked at seriously, that someone is reading them. If you get this meme going, I would love to participate. I'm blogger & new follower



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